Areas of Interest


  • Byzantine Consensus
    Byzantine consensus is a method for achieving consensus or agreement within a distributed network, even if some of the nodes in the network are unreliable or malicious. The method is named after the Byzantine Generals’ Problem, a hypothetical scenario in which a group of generals must coordinate their attack on a city. In the problem, some of the generals may be traitors who will attempt to sabotage the attack. In the context of distributed networks, the problem refers to the challenge of achieving consensus among nodes that may be compromised or malfunctioning. Byzantine consensus algorithms aim to ensure that the network as a whole arrives at a consistent state, even if individual nodes are acting in bad faith or providing unreliable information. This is achieved through sophisticated cryptographic techniques and mathematical algorithms. By using Byzantine consensus, distributed networks can achieve a high level of trust and resilience, making them well-suited for applications such as blockchain technology.
    [IEEE TC'22] CloudChain: A Cloud Blockchain Using Shared Memory Consensus and RDMA
  • Decentralized Storage Network
    Decentralized storage networks aggregate free storage spaces offered by independent storage providers and self-coordinate to provide data storage and retrieval services. Compared to traditional storage networks, a decentralized storage network is operated on a blockchain system, which works as an incentive layer. Blockchain rewards storage providers who provide reliable storage to clients, and thus enables an open manageable storage market.
    [IEEE INFOCOM'24] FileDES: A Secure, Scalable and Succinct Blockchain-based Decentralized Encrypted Storage Network
    [IEEE TC'23] FileDAG: A Multi-Version Decentralized Storage Network Built on DAG-based Blockchain
  • Cross-Chain and Off-Chain
    Cross-chain refers to the process of interoperability and information transfer between different blockchain networks. In the blockchain ecosystem, each blockchain network typically has its native assets and on-chain functionalities, such as smart contracts, tokens, governance, etc. Therefore, cross-chain interaction is required between different blockchain networks to achieve a wider range of application scenarios and more efficient asset circulation. Off-chain refers to activities or transactions that occur outside of the blockchain network or outside of the decentralized consensus mechanism. In the context of blockchain, "off-chain" typically refers to data or value transfers that take place outside of the native protocol of the blockchain and are settled later on the blockchain through some form of validation or verification. The main research areas are currently focused on privacy protection of cross-chain and off-chain, and extending off-chain functionalities.
    [IEEE TC'23] Cross-Channel: Scalable Off-Chain Channels Supporting Fair and Atomic Cross-Chain Operations
    [IEEE IPCCC'22] zk-PCN: A Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Network Using zk-SNARKs
  • Modular Blockchain and Meta Computing
    Modular blockchain is a type of blockchain architecture that aims to improve scalability, flexibility, and interoperability by partitioning different components of a blockchain into modules or layers. In a modularized blockchain, each module is designed to perform a specific function such as consensus, data storage, or smart contract execution, and can be developed and updated independently. Meta computing is a new computing paradigm that aims to utilize all available computing resources hooked on the Internet, provide efficient, fault-tolerant, and personalized services with strong security and privacy guarantee, and virtualize the Internet as a giant computer, that is, ``Network-as-a-Computer, NaaC'', or ``Meta Computer'' for short, for any task or any person on-demand.
    [IEEE Network'23] Meta Computing
    [IEEE JSAC'23] An Adaptive and Modular Blockchain Enabled Architecture for a Decentralized Metaverse
    [Elsevier HCC'22] A Trustless Architecture of Blockchain-enabled Metaverse
  • Private LLM Inference
    Private LLMs prioritize user privacy and data protection through techniques that minimize user data exposure in training and inference. They utilize privacy-enhancing technologies like federated learning and differential privacy, enabling decentralized training without direct access to user data and adding noise for increased data anonymity. Additionally, encryption and secure computation protocols are often implemented to safeguard user data throughout the entire process, ensuring sensitive information remains protected.
  • Semi-active

  • Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract
    Smart contract research area focuses on the development and improvement of self-executing contracts that are programmed with blockchain technology. Smart contracts are digital contracts that enable secure, transparent and efficient transactions without intermediaries. The research in this area includes programming languages, architectural design, security, privacy, and scalability of smart contracts.
    [IEEE INFOCOM'23] Latency-First Smart Contract: Overclock the Blockchain for a while
    [Elsevier HCC'23] SoK: Privacy-preserving smart contract
    [IEEE TC'22] Split: A Hash-based Memory Optimization Method for Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK)
  • Blockchain Made Wireless
    Blockchain made wireless aims to ensure that blockchain nodes can reach consensus in dynamic and unstable wireless network environments. It combines the characteristics of wireless networks with the features of blockchain, and studies new consensus algorithms or blockchain system architectures suitable for wireless networks.
    [IEEE TMC'22] BLOWN: A Blockchain Protocol for Single-Hop Wireless Networks under Adversarial SINR
    [IEEE WCM'22] Fault-tolerant Consensus with NOMA in Mobile Networks
    [IEEE TWC'21] wChain: A Fast Fault-Tolerant Blockchain Protocol for Multihop Wireless Network
  • Blockchain 4 IoT
    Blockchain 4 IoT is a research area that focuses on the integration of blockchain technology with the Internet of Things (IoT). It aims to leverage the security, transparency, and decentralized nature of blockchain to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and security of IoT applications.
    [IEEE TMC'23] TBAC: A Tokoin-based Accountable Access Control Scheme for the Internet of Things
    [IEEE TC'22] Extending On-chain Trust to Off-chain--Trustworthy Blockchain Data Collection using Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
    [IEEE ICDCS'22] Curb: Trusted and Scalable Software-Defined Network Control Plane for Edge Computing
    [IEEE TMC'22] Vehicloak: A Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Payment Scheme for Location-Based Vehicular Services
    [IEEE IoTJ'21] A Fast Consensus for Permissioned Wireless Blockchains
  • Blockchain-enabled Distributed Learning
    Blockchain-enabled distributed learning focuses on combining blockchain with distributed learning to address security and trust issues in traditional distributed learning. The decentralized nature of blockchain can be used to protect the privacy and integrity of data, and the consensus mechanism of blockchain can be used to ensure collaboration and trust among participants.
    [IEEE TPDS'23] Incentive Mechanism Design for Joint Resource Allocation in Blockchain-based Federated Learning
    [IEEE UIC'22] Jamming-Resilient Over-the-Air Computation for Federated Learning in Edge Intelligence
    [IEEE TC'22] SPDL: A Blockchain-enabled Secure and Privacy-preserving Decentralized Learning System
    [IEEE IoTJ'21]Blockchain and Federated Edge Learning for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing